Could you, please, provide detailed information about contraindications?
It is always recommended for everybody to consult a physician before using the FIR mat. Following may not be a full list of contraindications.
- The recipients of any type of organ transplant should not use FIR or PEMF mats.
- Anybody with diseases associated with a reduced ability to sweat or insensitivity to heat should use the FIR mat with no heat. Negative Ions only mode.
- Anyone with the diagnosed diseases, ailments or medical conditions should never use the FIR heat without am approval from a physician.
- Newborns and infants should not use the heat or magnetism. Children may use the mat with caution only under supervision of adults on low heat modes or Negative Ions only.
- Pregnant women should not use FIR mat in heating mode.
- One should not experience pain when using the mat. If pain occurs or is persistent, stop using the mat.
- Anybody currently taking medications or undergoing medical treatments, radiation or chemotherapy should consult the physician before using the mat in heating mode.
- Anybody with a fever should not use the mat in heating mode. Only the Negative Ions function can be used until the fever stops.
- Anybody with fresh joint injuries or swollen hot joints should not use the FIR mat in heating mode.
- Anyone with difficulty moving or changing positions should use Ereada® mat in the Negative Ions only mode unless under full supervision.