Negative Ions vs Positive Ions

Both Positive and Negative Ions occur naturally in the air, and they also exist in the human body. These ions enter our body through breathing and skin. They travel through the blood and lymphatic system to the cells throughout the body.

    • Some positive ions are known as “Free Radicals,” steal electrons from healthy cells to neutralize their own positive charge.

They cause cellular damage. The modern surrounding, our homes, and offices are full of the harmful positive ions produced by air pollution and electromagnetic fields generated by high-frequency devices like cell phones, computers, wireless devices, kitchen appliances, and modern construction materials. Positive ions make us feel bad.

    • Negative Ions, also known as anions or atoms with extra electron or negative charge, are abundant in the lush forests, mountains, ocean beaches, and near the rivers, springs, and waterfalls.

Negative Ions neutralize Free Radicals. Inside the human body, they revitalize cell metabolism and enhance immune function. We can meet many active long-livers in the Negative Ions rich mountain areas in Russia, Europe, India, and South America.

The cell resting potential is the voltage difference between the interior and surrounding of the cell. It is determined by concentrations of ions in the fluids on both sides of the cell membrane.

Special ionized fabric layers Gemstones and Tourmaline Ceramics are added into Ereada® mats. These layers generate negative ions upon distortion caused by the mat’s heat or by the natural warmth coming from the body if the mat is “OFF.”

In the Ereada® Amethyst mats, anions travel through the thick layer of Amethyst, which organizes them into the patterns with the highest compatibility.

Ereada® Mat output of negative ions is kept on the most healthy levels of 500 - 2000 ions per cm3. The mat works like a giant negative ion recharging and rejuvenating machine.


  1. Anion generating fabric layers (ALL MATS)
  2. Negative potential silver fiber (N.P. MATS)
  3. Natural thunder type air ionization (AIR ION MATS)

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