- I am a Reiki healer and certified massage professional. What is the best starting introduction session for my clients so they get an immediate benefit?
- How would I obtain the optional NP / PEMF/ VLF and Photon Red Light options?
- How the mattress is protected from overheating?
- How the mats are protected from harmful EMFs?
- Ereada Mat Layers and Functions
- What degrees Celcius do the crystals start giving off infrared rays and negative ions?
- Review of the PEMF devices in the Market, programs, frequencies and brainwaves. Comparison with Ereada PEMF.
- Books and Literature
- Is there an automatic shut-off timer on Ereada® mats?
- Helpful vs Harmful EMFs
- Negative Ions vs Positive Ions
- Monochromic Red Light LEDs Photon Function of Purple Ereada Bio-Stimulation mats
- How deep is the impact of Infrared Rays?
- PEMF and EMF testing of Ereada Professional mats
- Where do the FIR rays come from?
- Does the PEMF have effect on entire mat or just on the coil spots?
- Does the mat produce FIR rays when not plugged in? If so, how does it compare to when it is plugged in?
- What is the wavelength of Photon function?